The very important you: Knowing your vices

Major life transitions often trigger introspection. Over the past few years I have been blessed to experience many life changing experiences that have caused me to look at who really matters in my life. I strongly believe that this is something that we all should do periodically over our life time. I began to examine how I relate to those around me and tried my best to gain insight on who the most significant people were in my life and what impact they make. And then it clicked. For the first time I began to think about how often I look at how I treated myself and look at the different aspects of myself. As challeneging as it may be I encourage everyone should take some time to do this. I came up with 5 very important aspect of life that we should all know about ourselves. Over the few next weeks we will visit them. With the first being: Knowing Your Vices.

Every January seems to spark a new you in everyone, somewhere around Febuary 6 that new you has reverted back to that you that you were all along. Its not that you dont have a desire to lose weight, spend less, date more, or  be happier.  But you find yourself reverting back because  you haven’t identifyed what had you in that unhappy place all along. I always wondered why I didnt complete some of the amazing goals that I had for myself in the new year. After lots of searching and acceptance I realized I was a procrastintor – I alwasy knew how to do just enough and would hold off as long as I could in doing things that would lead to my happiness. When it came to completing things at work or for others I was much more deligent but when it came to matters of my life I would put them off for later.

It was very hard to admit it seeing all the other negative attributes that are associated with those that procrastinate, however I knew it was important for me to be honest with myself to be move positively forward in my journey. Here’s how you identify your vices:

1. What is the one thing that is holding you back from being successful? That may be your vice/vices

2. What do friends, family, and employers complain the most about you? That may be your vice/vices

3. What’s your most frustrating habit to yourself? That may be your vice/vices

In the next post we’ll talk about how to work through your vices once you’ve recognized them. I would love to hear from you. What are some of your vices? Have you noticed how they have held you back?


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